

Friday, September 2, 2022




er o make your written or oral messages effective, you serious pall, organise, i ova and proofread them. You must also carefully observe the seven principles of icon. The following steps should be considered before you we your message: Your Purpose: When you plan your message your thirst Seep o aeroplane eccl purpose, Is your message mainly informational, such as announcing your term's new location? ls It mainly persuasive; such as asking cuss Guy your PO SE you explain why you are not granted a customers request tor credit goodwill is the underlying purpose of all messages example, in a eight refusal leotard, your purpose is twofold to refuse the request while encouraging
customers continued business. Analyse Your Audience: It is very important to adapt your message to your elver's Mes: needs, mental suitors and culture. If you are known to your readers or moisteners, you n away Visualise individuals. However, much of your wiring will be directed to people v never met. if you are sending a message to one person try to see that person as a ember of a group, such as business or professional person or labourer, superior, colleague or Subordinate, woman or man, new or routine customer, young, middle-aged or dry You St also consider the person's educational level, attitudes and probable values (o ten Guilder specific). Finally, condenser your message and decide Wigner your
readers or Seiners are informed or uniformed on the subject and whether they react Positively r negatively, win interest or Stepsister Spouse taigas: Keeping in mind the purpose and receiver of your message, you sou lid choose ch ideas for your message. If you area answering a letter, underline the
main points to dis Cuss and Wine you dead nine grain. you are wring an unsocial or a complex message, begin y Stetting Iliads as trey Come to you and then choose tine Vest Ideas Tor your receiver.
.The choice of ideas depends upon he type of message to be communicated.Good reparation is tn key to presenting your dead to others.

collective Your Data: Alter choosing seas to be included in the message, you must
ask yourself whether you need Spec lie sacs, Figures, consolations or other form of evidence
to support your points. Be Sure Youngstown Company's policies, procedures anew
product detains your manageresses men, Tu must always check your data or
names of individuals, dates, addresses and statistics. $sometimes you may need to
include a brochure, table, picture or paraquat sample. Faces and figures make the ire
both persuasive and acceptable. 
5. Organise Your Message Before you wrte your first draft, outline your message mentally or on paper. The order i Wi you resonant ideas is as important as u deas themselves. Disorganised, lambing messages often seem careless, confusing a unimportant. Theretofore, presentation or, G gas requires good Intellectual training to arrange them logically and systematically. Chronology lor a Narrative
The chronological technique Organises tne ideas in a paragraph in their orde appearance in mute, Th ls technique rives Mr i Rasmussen zinging the sentences. vv6 can arrange the sentences starling front ant Marne to the most retinue be Vice tors and accordingly the order ls celled chronologies reverse chronological order respectively, For instance, when you Deutsche y achievements in an interviewer, appearance in rne.ns technique gives Importance to the date and time wn cn oliow a reverse chronological order preseason your latest achievements Thirst, thus moving back in tame. This method ia mosty  develop pai Alfonso events. 

For example:

Beoe temid-unereenth century, people in the United States ate most toods ony in sea30n. Drying, smoking and salting could presorve meat for a shot time, Dut tne availabilty of fresh meat, Ike that of fresh. mik, was very limigu there was no way to prevent spollage. But in 1810 a Fresh inventor nitre
Nicolas Appert developed the cooking-and-sealing process ot canning. Anne the 1850s an American named Gail Borden developed a means a Condensing and preserving milk, Canned goods and condensed mik becems more con Curing ten 660s, Dut supplies remained low because cans had o Dr ad pt band, By 1680, however, inventors had fashioned stamping arid soldering machines that mass-produced cans from tinplate. Suddenly all Kinds o Toads could be preserved and bought at all times of the year Order of Information from Specific to Genera tine inductee method of developing a paragraph proposes a sequence in winch the sentences move from specific to general deals. In other worms, tn involved supporting dead appear. one by one and in the end they legitimately lead to res general instalment Containing the core idea. Horne, tho writer induces examples, specific deists etc. tarn logically lead to a conclusion in the form of the topic sentence. A paragraph developed Dy inductive technique contains the topic tensor at the end. 

Sea the following .example:

when some new machinery l5 Deng design in an Lusitania, a satiety engineer attempts to eliminate any dangerous projectile pairs tat magnify hurt someone. He/she tries to conceal the moving parts Or d chine to mimics the.chance of accidental contactable, ten operator roadrunner Sara engineer will also ensure that any emergency cows are win ten reach of the operator. Thus sanely engineers en o E ewe design stage by proposing improvements that can reduce the risk of accidents. Order of malformation front general Io Specific

Deductive method is just the reverse or UV node. Here, the core ldea is Stated in the first sentence, Welch is tn topic Sentence of tine paragraph. From this sentence, the author deduces or infers 1ST applicants amid mesons our through specific examples, details etc. In other words, Ne outrider see a Tow Ne topic sentence Doctorate or substantiate this main idea though snits, giddiness, or descriptions. For Toxic doses have a broad range or elects. The drug shrikes the cardiovascular system (heart an Te too vessels), Typically causing rapid heartbeat and sometimes irregular dent NY n tine gastrointestinal
(digestive) system, it might prorogue a grooming and pyorrhoea. The central nervous system response Jun adieu, doing, tremor, insomnia and


ringing n the ears. Severe poisoning can produce seizures, Coma or even death.Comparison and Contrast mere is yet another type of paragraph, known as the comparison contrast paragraph. that brings out both the similarities and differences of two Desuetude together to develop the main idea of the paragraph. In this type, we can use the concussions that emphasise both comparison and contrast as in the following paragraph: Despite the similarities that a computer and a human brain have, they do dither
in many aspects. Both have memory that can grow. But a computer memory grows by adding computer chips, whereas memories in the brain grow by stronger synaptic conditions. Though both can adapt and learn, it is much easier and faster for the brain to learn new things. Nevertheless, the computer can do
many complex tasks at the same time (multitasking), which is difficult for the brain. For example, try counting backwards and multiplying two numbers at the same time. However, the brain also does some multitasking using the autonomic nervous system. For example, the brain controls breathing, heart rate
and blood pressure; and at the same time, it performs a mental task. Both need energy. The brain needs nutrients such as oxygen and sugar  power, While the computer needs electricity to keep working.
Problem Solution Pattern / Problem and Solution In this type of paragraph, the various possible solutions to a problem at hand are discussed. 

see the following example

Getting more cornea for the blind is a difficult choice. Two types of solutions have been proposed for getting more cornea. One answer is to impose compulsory eye donation on patients dying in hospitals. The other answer is to educate the masses through vigorous campaigns for voluntary post-death eye donations.

Cause and Effect An analysis or cause and effect paragraph examines a subject by evaluating one or
its aspects, which is done by weighing evidence and possible causal linkages. The object of analysis, in fact, is to get to en centre or how something works. The following paragraph considers the link among cancer, poverty and stress:

One possible explanation tor wetness statistics on cancer can be found in the big levels of stress associated with poverty. Studies have found that stress dampener the immune system, the body's first line of defence against cancer and
experiments win annulus av Sown tan a stressful environment can enhance the growth of a variety or tumours. the link between poverty, stress and can mortality in humans assonant seen proven, but studies have shown a between stress and other illnesses.

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