Interview Questions - Easy World



Friday, August 26, 2022

Interview Questions

 Interview Questions

Setup 1:

1. Tell me something about yourself.
2. What attracted you to our company?
3. Why do you think we should hire you?
4 Which of your strengths could you usefully contribute to our company?
5. What do you consider to be a possible weakness in respect of this job?
6.HOw do you think the knowledge you gained from your degree could help you in
this position?
7. What kind of work environment would you prefer?
8. You have written in your CV that you're creative / hardworking/reliable.
9. Suppose that while you are at work, you receive an emergency call and you
have to leave for Horne immediately. You have been assigned a task and you
are required to complete it the same day. How would you handle the situation?
10. Do you have any questions about this position?

Setup 2:

1. Tell me something about yourself.
2 what do you know about our company and why do you want to work with us?
3. Where do you see yourself professionally in five years' time?
4 What have you learned from your prior education?
5. What can you do for our company?
6. Would you rather work in a team or more independently?

7. Can you give me an example or a acuity decision you had to take in a work or non-work context?

8. You have written in your CV that you possess leadership qualities. Can you give me an example of a time where you led a group successfully?
9. If you were the person in charge of a project and your colleagues were blaming you for giving undue favours to someone, how would you react?
10. Do you have any questions about this position?


1. Tell me something about yourself.
2. Why do you think you're suitable for this job?
3. What are your professional aims?
4. Which courses were your least favourite during the course of education? Why?
5. What is your greatest achievement in life?
6 What do you consider to be your greatest failure? What did you learn from it?
7. f you were asked to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
8. Suppose that you have two supervisors who always differ in opinions. One is happy with the task that you have done. The other suggests some changes in it. How would you handle the situation?

9. You nave written in your CV that you are able to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Give me an example of a time when you had to finish a task within a tight deadline. Did you manage to finish the task? How?
10. Do you have any questions about this position?

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