Foundation of education chapter 1st solved Short Questions - Easy World



Monday, September 5, 2022

Foundation of education chapter 1st solved Short Questions


Foundation of education chapter 1st  solved Short Questions

1.     What is the Derivative meaning of education?

The term "Education" has been derived from two Latin words: Educare (Educere) and Educatum'.

Educare (Educere): To Train or Mould - indicates the
development of the latent (hidden, concealed, undeveloped). abilities of the child.

Educare basically means: To bring up, To lead out, and
draw out.

educatum: Denotes the act of teaching throws light on the
principles and practices of teaching.

The Education Process:

A combination of "Educatum' an Educere is what is known as "Education"
It is the process of the educator helping the child explore and develop his or her latent faculties.

2. Define Education.

It is the process of the educator helping the child explore and develop his or her latent faculties.

3. What is the scope of education?

Scope means range of view outlook field or opportunity of activity operation and application. Education has a wide meaning and application.

i. Viewing at the undesirable growth of population awareness 1s created through population education.
ii. This scope includes problems of teaching management of education and also suggestions and remedies for it.
iii. Ecological in balance have drawn the attention of intelligence today.
iv. A child lives in society so he needs to know about the society, the nature of society, the type of society interdependence between culture and society.

v. For the growth of business and market, the world-class economical education is important for each and important.

4. What is the importance of education?

The Importance of Education is an important issue in one life: It is the key to success in the future and to have man opportunities in our life. Education has many advantages for people. For instance,
i. It illuminates a person's mind and thinking.
ii. It helps students to plan for work or pursue a higher education while graduating from university.
iii. Having education in an area helps people think, feel and behave-in a way that contributes to their success and improves not only their satisfaction but also the community.

iv. education develops human personality, thoughts, dealing with others, and prepares people for life experiences,

5. What are the main modes of education?

There are three main types of education, namely, Formal, Informal and Non-formal,

6. Define Formal Education?

Formal education.3 
classroom-based.provided by trained teachers Formal education or formal learning usually takes place on the premises of the school, where a person may learn basic, academic, or trade skills.

7. Write the Examples of Formal Education?

i. Learning in a classroom
ii. School grading/certification, college, and university degrees
iii. Planned education of different subjects having a proper syllabus acquired by attending the institution.

8. Write the Characteristics of formal education?

i. Formal education is structured hierarchically.
ii. It is planned and deliberate.
ii. Scheduled fees are paid regularly.
iv. It has a chronological grading system.

9. Write the Advantages of Formal education?

i. Structured and systematic learning process.
ii. Institutions are managerial and physically organised.
iii. Leads to a formally recognised certificate.
iv. Easy access to jobs.

10, Write the Disadvantages of Formal education?

i. Sometimes, brilliant students are bored due to the long wait for the expiry of the academic session to promote to the next stage.
ii, The chance of bad habits adoption may be alarming due to the presence of both good and bad students in the classroom.

iii. Systems may cause the wastage of time and money the students.

iv. Costly and rigid education as compare to other term- of learning

11. Define Informal Education.

informal education happens outside the classroom, in after Schools programs, community-based organizations, museums libraries, or at home. Informal education may be a parent teaching a child how to prepare a meal or ride a bicycle.

12. Write the Examples of Informal Education?

i. Teaching the child some basics such as numeric characters.
ii. Someone learning his/her mother tongue.
iii. A Spontaneous type of learning, "if a person standing in a bank learns about opening and maintaining the account at the bank from someone."

13. Write the Characteristics of Informal Education?

i. it is independent of boundary walls.
ii. It has no definite syllabus.
iii. It is not pre-planned and has no timetable.
iv. It is a lifelong process in a natural way.

14. Write the Advantages of Informal Education?

i. More naturally learning process as you can learning anywhere and at any time from your daily experience.
ii. Utilizes a variety of techniques.
iii. No specific period.
iv. Less costly and time-efficient learning process

15. Write the Disadvantages of Informal Education?

i. Utilized techniques may not be appropriate.
ii. No proper schedule/period.
iii. Lack of confidence in the leaner
iv. Absence of discipline, attitude, and good habits.

16. Define Non-Formal Education.

Non-formal education refers to education that occurs outside. the formal school system. Non-formal education includes adult basic education, adult Literacy education, or school equivalency preparation.

17. Write the Examples of Non-formal Education?

i. Boy Scouts and Girls Guides develop some sports program Such as swimming comes under non-formal education.

ii. Fitness programs.
iii. Community-based adult education courses.
iv. Free courses for adult education developed by some organization.

18. Write the Characteristics of Non-formal Education?

i. The non-formal education is planned and takes place apart from the scho0ol system.
ii. The timetable and syllabus can be adjustable.
iii. Non-formal education has no age limit.
iv. Fees or certificates may or may not be necessary
v. It involves the learning of professional skills.

19. Write the Advantages of Non-formal Education?

i. Practices and vocational training.
ii. Flexibility in age, curriculum, and time.
iii. No need to conduct regular exams.
iv. Diploma, certificates, and awards are not essential to be awarded.

20. Write the Disadvantages of Non-formal Education?

i. The attendance of participants is unsteady.
ii. Basic reading and writing skills are crucial to learning.
iii, No professional and trained teachers.
iv. Students may not enjoy full confidence as the regular students enjoy.

21. Describe the elements of the educational process ?

i. Aim and Objectives of education
ii. Curriculum
iii. Pedagogy
iv. Evaluation

22. What is meant by Curriculum?

·         Curriculum is a combination of classroom and out-of- classroom activities.
A course of study that will enable the learner to acquire specific knowledge and skills.

·         23. How many types of curriculum?

i. Written curriculum
ii. Hidden curriculum

iii. Co-curricular/Extra-curricular.

24. What is meant by Pedagogy?

The word Pedagogy comes from the Greek word paidagogos in which 'paida means "child and agog means "lead literally translated lead the child" Pedagogy is the science and art of education specifically instructional theory. It is a master plan that includes a detailed analysis of what is to be done by a teacher.

·         25. What is the role of pedagogy in education?

i. Improved Quality of learning.
ii. Students more receptive during learning sessions.
iii. Improved student participation.
iv. Knowledge imparted effectively across a spectrum of Greek Word learners.
v. Development of higher cognitive skills in students.

·         26. What is meant by Evaluation?

The process of gathering and interpreted evidence changes in the behaviour of all students as they progress through school. I called evaluation. In the education process different things are evaluated e.g.. Contents, Method, Student performance. The different techniques are used for evaluation e.g. test interviews, questionnaires, and observation, etc.


fgFoundation of education chapter 2 solved short questions

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