Concept of Education (According to Ancient Thinkers,Muslims Thinkers,Modern Thinkers - Easy World



Sunday, September 4, 2022

Concept of Education (According to Ancient Thinkers,Muslims Thinkers,Modern Thinkers


Concept of Education


The term "Education has been derived from two Latin words:
Educare (Educere) and "Educatum.

Educare Educere):

To Train or Mould-indicates the development of the latent(hidden, concealed, undeveloped) abilities of the child

Educare' Basically Means:

  • To bring up.
  • To lead out.
  • To draw out.


Denotes the act of teaching throws light on the principles and practices of teaching

The Education Process:

A combination of "Educatum' and Educere" is what is known as "Education It is the process of the educator helping the child explore and
develop his or her latent faculties.

According to Oxford Dictionary:

The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction. especially at a school or university.

Definitions of education:

According to Ancient Thinkers

1. Socrates:

Education means the bringing out of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of every man


2. Plato:

Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment. It develops in the body and in the soul of the pupil al the beauty and all the perfection which he is capable of.

3. Aristotle:

Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body. develops man's faculty. especially his mind so that he may able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth. goodness. and beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists.

According to Muslims Thinkers:

1.Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

Knowledge teaches discrimination between good and bad and encandles to reach Almighty Allah.

2. Al-Ghazzali:

An individual is modified through education so that he may lead his life according to Islamic teachings by getting God's will.

3. Ibn Khaldun:

Education is the activity of the acquisition of revealed knowledge that has been delivered to us by prophets.

4. Shah Wali Allah:

Education is a process that enables a man to discriminate between good and bad and teach him to opt for goodness and screw badness.

5. Allama Dr. Muhammad lqbal:

Education is the activity of recognising Allah and understanding self.

According to Modern Thinkers:

1. John Dewey:

Education is the development of al those capacities in the individual which will enable him to control his environment and fulfilled his responsibilities.

2. Herbert Spencer:

Education is complete living.

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