ESSAY WRITING ,Types of Essays - Easy World



Thursday, September 1, 2022

ESSAY WRITING ,Types of Essays



The word essay can be defined as a piece of composition that is the resew o
conscious effort to produce a unified, balanced, coherent piece of wanting. 1
essay is to put into words one's own ideas and reflection on a given subject or then
requires a mental discipline and training in the art of arranging and expressing one s
thoughts in a regular and well-ordered manner. The main deterrence between a paragraph and an essay 18 that while be considered to provide complete Dr exhaustiveness/material on a suspend
natter s an attempt to deal with a topic from the writer's personal perspective
Considered a Major pan OT formal education, essays are often used as Toss improve wrung silks. Essays are also made a part of written entrance tests, Ween its required to Judge knowledge, skills and abilities

Types of Essays

As in the case of paragraphs, there are, different types of essays depending on the purpose thy fulfil. We describe here the following types:
Expository Essay
 Imaginative Essay
2- Persuasive Essay/Argumentative Essay
4- Narrative Essay
6- Reflective Essay

1 Expository Essay

This type of assay is mostly informative. An expository or expiation essay attempts
explainable Concepcion or a topic such s the force o gravitation Er reading the essay, the reader should be able to restate, if required, what has been explained. writing Such an essay, shoreline, demands utmost clarity of thought and lucidly of expression.its

Persuasive Essay/ Argumentative 

A persuasive essay aims to convince reader a the or argument in the essay is the most appropriated one  ovoids optics, Such as "Private Schools are better than pudding St dos o Ed sponsor etc., can be discussed through persuasive essays  u general regalement on such topics, the topic should be pressure v g arguments. Once can quote
experts/authorities in the Tillage or cure evidence from recent journals and magazines

3 Descriptive Essay

Similar to a description paragraph, a descriptive Say presents a visual impression Ora person, place, event or an object. the most important thing in writing descriptive essay Is to ensure tat the options SO Rid that the reader is able to Visualisation in his/her mind a sear picture d as Den PostScript.

4- Narrative Essay

When you wish to write about your unrest obey y c you may narrate a series of events. Unique so  so the narration includes the Wreckers o u Essay may be written on an incident such as the celebration or e Suva or " Ainu Unction; a disaster such a novel, a Essay treats in even{S) as a topic and as an earthquake or tsunami; an accident such as a plane crash, a ship-wrack; a
Journey by raid, bus, plane or car; a biographical topic such as the autobiography of a
O O y ist year at the university', "Me childhood Bic.

5- Imaginative Essay

AS the name suggests, this type of essay relies mainly on the pow Gr or ones Dayan and expression. For inst were Barack Obama", "The autobiography of a hundred rupee note and similar Optics, you have to place yourself Imaginatively in a situation or postilion o picnic you nave no knowledge or experience and then express yourself. Or course, you need to g tureen. AS ear as possibles, try to be realistic our task is to write an essay.

6-Reflective Essay

Essays on abstract concepts suede reflection on a topic. the winter Essays on abstract concepts such as honesty, truth, patriotism and Cooperation one under this t Supports his/her point of view memes with tho opinions of Nov a cs Nd figures and elective essays are those on topics such as 'Honesty is the best policy and Tabs rand"

Characteristics of Essays

The main characteristics of a good essay are the following


thistles on the subject. Examples of  the Sequence o organising the points in each paragraph of an essay. As pate paragraph begins with a topic sentence, the supporting Adelaide should be sequenced the most appropriate order to strengthen r justify the main idea in the topic sentence.

2- Unity

Each paragraph should contain only one main idea. which is supported by several subordinating ideas. he mater incision earn paragraph snout Dr Closely interlinked and should throw spine ignite on the topic. Although we can express our thoughts in many ways and treat the topic Tom irreverent perspectives, the discussion should eventually lead to the conclusion that we have already formulated in our mind.

Brevity .

Although there s ho prescribed rue regarding the length of an essay, it should be long enough to puny. delude the discussion or our viewpoint and short enough to be read and comprehended o general,  nature of the topic and  raiment give snore dded o,e Ieyasu , ether a word limit or a time
milt is given to wetter an say, For stance,  the ERG and TOEFL examinations, you are given  minutes rad o Utes, speedily, to write an essay on tee given topic. Hence, you assure at e expectorated number of words in these cases would be about and  words, respectively.

4 Effective style

The style of an essay is characterised by the clarity of and variety in the expressive and by the use of plain, Retiree and forceful language.

5- Personal touch

AS mentioned earlier, an essay is the expression of the writer's personal views on a given topi C. It essentially reflects the writer's way of thinking and style or expressing
Steps to Essay Writing and Checklist
The following list provides some guidelines for essay writing:
1. Critically think over the topic and jot down the points as they occur to you.
2. Organise the points in various segments, giving each segment a suitable heading to
help you remember the matter it contains.
3. Sequence the segments in a logical order, in the form of an outline.
4. Develop the points into paragraphs, without giving any sub-headings.
5. First, write the introduction, which is usually one paragraph.
6. Move on the body, expanding each main point into one paragraph.
7. Write the conclusion, which too is usually one paragraph.
After completing your essay, check whether the following conditions are fulfilled
and if not, revise it:
1. The introductory paragraph catches the reader's attention and provides a general
idea about the topic and the line of argument.
2. The content of the main argument is divided into several paragraphs.
3. Each paragraph discusses only one point.
4. There is smooth transition among the'sentences in each paragraph and among paragraphs in the essay.
5.The conclusion is focused and emphasises the highlights of your view.
6.Every sentence in each paragraph adds some value to the topic sentence and does not contain any redundant words.
7, There are no errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

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