

Saturday, August 27, 2022



whether you are trying to land your first job or you want to change career entirely, begin by assuming your stills, interests and abilities. Next ask yourself what are your career goals and values. For instance, do you prefer working independently or collaboratively? Do you enjoy public settings? meeting people? How important are career stability and a certain standard of living? Finally ask yourself what you would most like to- be doing in the immediate future, two year; and five years from now. Your campus
career services office has resources to help with this process. Once you have refiected and brainstormed about the job that is right for you, a number of sources can help you locate the job you want. Of course, you should not rely on any one of these sources exclusively.


  • Campus Career Services .
  • Internet Hesources.
  • Advertisements in Newspapers.
  • Trade and Professional Journal Listings.
  • Private (or temporary) Employment Agencies.
  • Letters of Inquiry.
  • Internship as a job Hunting Tool.
  • Job Fairs.

Keep records during your job search of dated job ads, copies of letters of application and resumes, notes requesting interviews and the names of important contacts. This Collection can seve as a future resource and reminder Networking involves communicating with people who might provide useful advice or might be able to connect you with potential jobs in your an areas of interest. Ihey may include people already working in your chosen field, contacts in protessional organizations, professors, family members, friends, friends of your parents, classmates, teammates, gymmates and colleagues. Use your contacts to develop a fnerwork of even more contacts. Let people know you are looking for a job and what your job asserts are. Use social media to emphasize your field knowledge and accomplisnments. Join your School's or college's or university's alumni association to find alumni in businesses that interest you. Keep in mind that 80 percent of all positions are Tiled witnout employer advertising. They are filled through networking.

Campus Career Services

A College career-development centre is another good place to begin your job search. Government, business and industry recruiters often visit campus career offices to nterview prospective employees; recruiters also keep career counsellors aware of their Company's Current employment needs and submit job descriptions. Not only career Counsellors help you select a career, they can also put you in touch with the best, most Current resourcesidentitying where to begin your search and saving your time. Career development centres often hold workshops or resume preparation and other job-finding
resources and skills. Although may career-development centres have their job Web sites, nothing replaces talking with a career councillor about your interests.

Internet Resources

Using the Web can enhance your job search in a number of ways. First, you can
consult sites that give advice to college graduates about careers, job seeking, and resume
preparation. Second, you can learn about business and organizations that may hire
employees in your area by visiting their wed Sitres. Such sites often list job openings and
provide instructions for applicants and offer other informations, such as employee
benefits. Third, you can learn about jobs in your field and post your resume for
prospective employers at employment databases, Fourth, you can post your resume at your personal Website. Although posting your resume at an employment database will undoubtedily attract more potential ernployers, including your resume at your own sile has some benefits. For example, you might
provide a link to your site in e-mail correspondence or provide your Web site's URL
(Unique Resource LOcator) in an inquiry letter to a prospective employer.

Advertisements in Newspapers

Many employers adverise in tne ciassinied sectons of newspapers and on their ow Web sites. For the widest selection of help wanted listings, look in the Sunday oditions or the help-wanted pages ot local and big-city newspapers. An item-by-item chec necessary Decause many times a position can be listed under various classification. clinical meuicai tectnologist seeking a job, for example, might find the speciality isted under Medical technologist" or "clinical Laboratory Technologist. Depenaing on d
hospital's or a pathologist's needs, the listing could be even more specific, such as Blood Bank Technologist" or "Hematology Technologist. AS you reta the os take notes On Saidy ranges, Job locations, job duties and responsibities, and oven tnE 9y used n the ads to describe the work. A knowledge of key-words and expressiOS idt dre  to describe a particular type of work can be neipru when yoU prepare your resume and letters or applIcation. 

Trade and Professional Journal Listings

 many incustnes, associations publish periodicals of interest to people working in ne inoustiy. Such penodicals (print and online) often contain job listings. To learn about time trade or proressional associations for your ocCupations, consult resources on the Web, Such as Googie's Directory of Professional Organizations or on line resources offered Dy your liprary or campus career ofice. You may aiso consuit the folowing references at a library: Encyclopedia of Associations, Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources and National Directory of Employment Services.

Private (or temporary) Employment 

Agencies Private employment agencies are proit-making organizations that are in business to help people find jobs -for fee. Heputable agencies provide you with job leads, help. organize your job search and suppily intormation on companies doing the hiring. A staffing agency or temporary placement firm, could match you with an appropriate temporary or
permanent job in your field. Tempting at an organization tor which you might want to work
permanently is an excellent way to Dulia your newok wniie continuing your job search.
Letters of Inquiry| t you like to work for a particular firmi, Wne and ask Wnetner it has kany openings for
people with your qualifications. Nofmaly, you can send tne leter to the department head,
director of human resources or boin, TOr a smal tirm, however, write to the head of the
Tirm.  Internship as a job Hunting Tool Internships are becoming increasingiy important as ways to find out about protessions, employers and joDS. Miany companies use tneir nternships to tind full-time erpioyees. Some industry expens are predicting tnat wnten the next tew years intern recruiting will largely replace entry-level recruiting.
Even yOur internship does not lead to a full-time job, it can still give you valuable insignt into the profession, as well as contacts you can use in your joD search. A increasingly important side benefit is the work you do in your internship which can become
some of the best items in your professional porttolio.

Job Fairs

A Job fair, also referred commonly as a job expo or career tair or career exp, is an event in which employers, recruiters, and schools give information to potential employees. A job tair provide opportunities for job seekers to meet with many employers at one event Attendees can chat with recruiters from participating companies, learn about Job openings and career opportunities and may have the chance for a quick on-the-spot jod interview. Job fairs are mostly organized in big halls where potential employers set up booths with Human Resources team members who explain to the potential employees all about the Current joD opportunities, process of job application and anything else relating th organization

Advantages of Job Fairs/Career Fairs

The first benefit of career fairs is the opportunity to build relationship with prospective
employers. These fairs allow you to have multiple conversations at once with
different companies that pertain to your dred industry. Career tairs allow you to practise and become comfortable speaking with hiring managers and it will letter prepare you for the interview process.
Another important benefit in attending a job fair is the ability to find out job opernings within your industry. Career fairs give you to opportunity to become aware of smaller companies you may not have known about their existence. Career fairs exhibit openings in other geographic regions of the country which could bring you a multitude of different opportunities. Career fairs offer job seekers a chance to make a lasting impression on employers by interacting with them personally. Career fairs encourage you to be open to new ideas it might even spark your interest in a field you have never considered.

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