Foundation of Education chapter 5 solved Short Questions - Easy World



Monday, September 12, 2022

Foundation of Education chapter 5 solved Short Questions


Foundation of Education chapter 5 solved  Short Questions

1. Define sociology.?

The study of the development, structure, and functioning of human society.

2. What is the scope of educational sociology?

Educational sociology is a combination of the study of an individual and its cultural environment, in which social groups are included.

3. Write down the main elements of the sociology of education.?

Theories about the relation between school and Society. Whether schooling makes a major difference in individuals lives. How schools influence social inequalities.
How school processes affect the lives of children. teachers, and other adults.

4. What is meant by the Economics of Education?

The economics of education is the study of economic issues relating to education, including the demand for education, the financing and provision of education, and the comparative efficiency of various educational programs and policies.

5. Describe Education as an investment.?

refers to that capital asset, which can be expended asset, which can be expended over some beneficial products and will earn more than Some indenture. In other words, when money is invested in more
angst is called investment. Education is an investment as earned money expended on education is reproductive and that produces on a large Scale. Generally the capital invested in a bossiness, in the future it earns more than investment.


6. What are the roles of education in economic development?

Education develops human resources in the following ways:
i. Education brings a revolution in technical fields. The technical revolution affects the production capacity of the nation and this increases production.
ii. Education avails new ways for prosperity in rural areas. Villagers increase their production by using agricultural knowledge and adopt co-industries.
iii. Education improves the work efficiency of workers. Develop aspiration among them. Education removes the flaws of the economy and makes it more effective.

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