Pakistan studies PAKS1111 U Exam semester 2nd 2022 - Easy World



Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Pakistan studies PAKS1111 U Exam semester 2nd 2022

Pakistan studies PAKS1111 U Exam semester 2nd 2022


Exam" Semester-ll, 2022
For All Bachelor Programs, Session:2021-2025 

Course code : PAKS1111
Subject : Pakistan Studies
Time Allowed: 100 Minutes

Max. Marks: 56

Section II (Short Answer)

Q.2- Write short answers of the following

1- What is ideology?

2. What is ideology of Pakistan?

.3- How Quaid e Azam defined Two Nation Theory?

4. Write down importance of two nation theory?

5- When first martial law was imposed in Pakistan?

6. What is Indus Water Treaty and when it Was signed?

7. What is Durand Line?

8. Write down the names of three main seaports of Pakistan?

Section III (Essay Type)

Answer the following Questions

  1. 3. Write a detailed note on the political and social services of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

  2. Q.4. Write down a detailed note on the atrocities of congress ministries on the Muslims.

  3. Q.5. Write down a detailed note about Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto reforms?

  4. Q.6. Write down a detailed note on separation of East Pakistan.

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